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Sunday, March 13, 2011

The doll goes in the fridge...if she wants to

I was holding Franki up to the fridge one day, and she stuck her doll in it.  My knee-jerk response to that was, "the doll doesn't go in the fridge, silly monkey".  I was also on the phone at the time, and my friend who heard me say that, said, "why not"?  And he was right.  Why doesn't the doll go in the fridge?  Who made the rule about dolls belonging in the fridge or not? As simple as all of that sounds, it had a large impact on me, because in that moment, I saw how much I can mold my daughter through the lens through which I view the world.  My opinions, my beliefs, become part of her world through observation, and unless and until she has her daughter put her doll in the fridge some day, she may or may not ever question that.  I have this great opportunity every day to influence my daughter, and my desire for her is to follow what feels best to her, to follow her own guidance, and not let my criteria for what's "right" "wrong" or "better" be her criteria.  I want her to decide that moment by moment to the best of her ability...and I trust and know that that is what's best for her.

1 comment:

Kristina Bryson said...

Funny how we've all been influenced from our parents, teachers, friends and colleagues. Is it any wonder some of us are as screwed up as we are!? :-)