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Monday, November 5, 2012

Your Mind Is Better Than Google

Just like you can go online and go every which way and everywhere, your mind also has the ability to go to all sorts of places. 

The difference is, you often manage the places you go online more deliberately than you do your thoughts. 

Sometimes you let your thoughts go off in all sorts of directions for no other reason than it’s what you always do.  And Law of Attraction helps you with that. 

The more you focus on anything, the more thoughts just like it you attract. 

One way around that is to make a decision that you’re going to think because it feels good; and anything that doesn’t feel good, you’re not going to think about.   You’re either not going to think about it, or you’re going to shift the way you think about it so that it does feel good.   Why?  Well, one reason is because it just feels better to focus in a way that feels good.  The second reason is because, like I mentioned above, the more you focus on anything, the more of it you get.  So if you focus on what’s going wrong, the more of what’s going wrong you’ll get.  The more you focus on what you don’t like, the more of what you don’t like you’ll get.  Law of Attraction is consistent that way…it never fails.  So, if you want more good-feeling, right-feeling stuff, you’ve got to feel good first.  It can’t really play out any other way. 

Ahhhh, crap!  You mean I’ve got to feel good first?

Yep!  That’s the trick!  That’s the place you want to go with your mind.  Feeling good about something that’s bothered you for a long time, or feeling good about a manifestation that you obviously don’t want isn’t always easy.  It may take you several attempts, and a good amount of time to shift it into a different feeling place.  But in the meantime, aren’t there other things in your life that you can focus on that already feel good?  Why focus on the problem(s) and keep feeling immersed in the problem(s)?  You’ll only get more problems.   

You don’t have to let your problems take over your thoughts any more than your computer can surf the net without your discretion.

So first, decide that you want to feel good. 

Make feeling good a priority.
Make lists of things you like and love and appreciate that are present in your life right now.

Look for, and focus on those things in your life that are already going well. 

Get familiar with how good feelings feel.  Yes.  When you feel good, check in with yourself and feel how good it feels. 

Look for ways in your life that match those good-feelings. 

Look for the presence of what feels good to you rather than the absence.

As many times throughout the day as you can, praise and compliment – yourself and others.

Play down what you’re currently perceiving as going “wrong” and problematic and turn your attention to other things that you easily feel good about.  It could be your dog, your fish, or your hot shower. Subject matter isn’t important.

Look for the benefit in all things, vs. looking for the detriment in most things.

Push against nothing.  Just focus on what you prefer and what feels good.

The more you focus on feeling good and talk about what’s going right, the more of that you’ll attract and experience.  Your life isn’t like Russian roulette where you just spin the revolver and hope things turn out well for you.  You’re creating it all through your focus and you can be a little more discerning about those things you choose to focus on; and you can do that based on how your focus feels. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

You Can Create the Relationships You Want

My good relationships don’t happen by chance or by luck.  They “happen” because I’m deliberate about what I focus on within the relationships and about the individuals.  I create in advance what tomorrow’s going to be based on what feels good.  I focus on what I like and love about the person because it feels good.  Thinking about what bothers or annoys me and what I prefer to be different doesn’t feel good at all, and I choose to feel good.  So when I think about Franki, I direct my thoughts toward those parts of her and those parts of our relationship that are easy for me to appreciate and feel good about.  And then I feel for the essence of our relationship – it feels joyful and easy.  It feels harmonious and fun.  It feels playful.  It feels loving.  It feels happy.  It feels cooperative.  It flows.  It feels allowing of each other.  It feels creative.  It feels insightful.  It feels silly and goofy.  It feels stimulating and interesting.  It feels special.  I love the way we play together and I love the way we communicate.  I feel proud and I feel fascinated and captivated by her and her view of the world.  And when I think of Jack and when I think of my friends and family and when I think of how I move through traffic or participate in stores, and interact with the world around me, I engage in thoughts that feel good; I enlist from the Universe what I want, because first, I come into alignment with how I want my world to feel.  

I focus on the experience I want to have and how I want it to feel; and how I enjoy feeling.  Why?  Because I’m the creator of my reality and if I want good-feeling relationships, it’s up to me to focus in a way that feels good to me first, and those relationships will follow.

No matter who you are, you’re “in relationship” to someone. 

That can be someone you’re living with or in romantic relationship with; it can be a friend, a relative, an employee, a boss, a co-worker; even those people you mingle with in traffic, at the store, restaurant or bar.  The way to good relationships is not by pointing out faults or by focusing on those things that bother you. 

 Are there times when I feel annoyed?  Are there times when I wish Franki wasn’t having that temper tantrum she’s having right now?  Are there times when I just wish she’d behave differently so that I could feel better?  Abso-fu*^in-lutely!  But it’s still my job to find a way to create the relationship that I want to experience with her through my focus; it’s not up to Franki to be different.  Afterall, she can only live into my expectations of her.

No one can live outside of your expectations of them.

A good relationship is not had by constantly pointing out faults.  Neither is a good relationship cultivated by needing the person you’re in relationship with to change or to be different than they are.  If what you focus on expands, and what you think about becomes your reality whether you like it or not, and you want things to be different, it’s up to you to focus differently.  How do you think your relationships would change if you only focused on what you love about them?  How do you think your relationships would change if you started every conversation with… “do you know what I love about you”?  How do you think your weekly meetings would go if each and every person attending expressed something they appreciated about another?  How do you think you would feel about yourself if you found something to love about yourself every single day? 

There are so many good-feeling things to focus on about yourself and others and the more you do it, the more you’ll discover to love.  Good-feeling thoughts are just a thought away and good-feeling thoughts can only lead to good-feeling relationships.  Cultivate the relationships you want, put your attention on feeling good, and reap the benefits of your deliberate focus.

Your relationships are exactly as you focus them into being.