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Monday, September 10, 2012

What a difference a poopie makes

You’ve heard the saying, “what a difference a day makes”….???  Well, I’m making up a new saying, “what a difference a poopie makes”.  And, what does this have to do with you?  I’ll get to that….
Franki, “before poop” and “after poop” is a totally different person.   Before poop and constipated, she’s cranky, irritable, and certainly not the happy little girl we’re used to interacting with.  After poop, she’s full of energy, laughing, playful and cooperative and eager about life.   Anything that you focus on for a length of time, or in a way that consistently doesn’t feel good to you; that you continually regurgitate by thinking about or talking about in a way that holds you to a place of not feeling any improvement about it, that’s you making yourself constipated.  Energy is always in motion. Food in, food out.  Air in, air out.  Emotions flow naturally unless you stop them.  Your feelings always improve unless you keep revisting the same thoughts that feel bad.  So if feeling constipated doesn’t feel good and you find a way to get relief from that, why would you keep thinking and talking about those things that don’t feel good without trying to find relief?  The way to feeling relief about it is by letting it go.  And by letting it go I don’t mean just use words to cover up how you really feel; I mean, let it go by reaching for a different perspective that feels better; find a way of interpreting your experience in a way that feels better; find a way to substitute the thing that bothers you with thoughts about those things that don’t.  So what kind of poopie are you constipated with?

The “my employees are tools” poopie?
The “good employees are hard to find” poopie?
The “my boss is an asshole” poopie?
The “it’s all your fault I feel like this” poopie?
The “I never get what I want” poopie?
The “people are stupid” poopie?
The “life is hard” poopie?
The “I never have enough money” poopie?
The “that bastard cheated on me” poopie?
The “life isn’t fair” poopie?
The “I hate my body” poopie?
The “I’m not good enough” poopie?
The “I’m not satisfied with where I am” poopie?
The “let me tell you what’s going wrong in my life” poopie?
The “this is not happening fast enough” poopie?
The “relationships are hard” poopie?
The “look at the state of our economy” poopie?
The “this government needs to change” poopie?
The “I need you to be different” poopie?
The “what can I complain about” poopie?

Sooooo many poopies, so little time ;)  Clearly, there are all kinds of poopies that keep you from allowing things to flow.   So the next time you find yourself complaining, or regurgitating something that bothers you or repeatedly thinking about that person who irritates you, equate that to feeling constipated…do you want to feel better or not?  

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