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Monday, October 22, 2012

Who Is Thinking of Who?

Have you ever wondered, who’s thinking of who when you’re thinking of someone that you’ve known who is now dead?   A few nights ago, while doing my nightly routine of appreciation, I found myself thinking about Schatz (our deceased dog) – which made me question, “am I thinking about him or is he here, and I’ve just become aware of him?  Simultaneously, I felt filled with this calm, soothing energy and I knew that he really was with me.  

It seems like we’re separated by death – I can’t see you, touch you, feel you, lick you – you’re gone.  I’m here, you’re not.  But haven’t you had those experiences where you felt a person, or a pet, who was once observable by you as being alive, feel as though they were right there with you; united, no separation, completely involved and existing as energy and focused with you?

I like the idea that there is no death…we just change form.  I like the idea that those we’ve known and those we’ve loved never “go away”; I like the idea that a slight shift in my perspective of what it is I need to see, opens me up to a whole new way of communicating and experiencing someone I’ve labeled as “dead”.   

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The spirit or the energy of our loved ones that have passed can be felt in many different ways...providing we accept them, and realize what they are for instance the feeling you had of Schatz; for me it can be a certain time on the clock that I notice all the time which actually signifies the date of someones death, for others it could be a dragon fly that flies by, or a butterfly for others. Whatever "form" or 'feeling' our loved ones take on, it always leaves us with a beautiful feeling afterwards; like a hug or the warmth of sun on your face on a chilly day. I could go on and on about this topic with you. And just thinking of that puts a smile on my face. Thank you for your blogs. :)