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Saturday, September 24, 2011

No other way.....

Franki says “cleam up”, rather than “clean up” and she has this face she makes when she’s agreeing with me, and she walks like she’s skipping all the time, happy and free.  She says the word “done”, when she’s done having a display of emotion, and she peeks around the corner and says, “help you, Chris?” when she hears me in the kitchen and the pots or the bowls make noise.  She lays in her crib in the morning, talking to Barney and to Clifford and says, “you’re my favorite”, and she laughs and says “I love you”.  She says, “l’autre foot” (meaning other foot) mixing her French and her English together to say what she means.  She waves hello to people and says thank you when cars stop to let us cross the street.  She’s figured out the I-phone like she was born knowing how to use it.  Yes, I’m a “typical” proud parent who thinks that everything her child does or says is the most amazing thing ever.  Who knew 4 years ago that I would be a mom and so in love with this child, this little being who decided to come forth and do it all again.  I have videos of Franki taking her first steps and eating her baby food and making baby noises and just sitting.  I take pictures every moment I can and have over 3000 pictures of her on my phone…and it’s a new phone.  I never cease to be amazed and impressed by her.  I adore and love her more than I ever thought was possible to love and adore anyone.  Four years ago, I didn’t know that this little girl would be in my life, and when I got pregnant, many of my friends were surprised because they thought I “wasn’t the type’.  And here I am now, proud as can be, just like all parents, a “typical” parent, and I can’t imagine it being any other way

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