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Monday, November 7, 2011

It's Not There....Or Is It?

I looked in my travel bag, and it wasn’t there.  Have you ever looked for something that just wasn’t there?  You thought it was there, you looked, but it wasn’t there…. So then you go digging everything out of your bag or out of the drawer, and it just isn’t there….How does that happen?!?  Well, it happens because you start out looking for something that you think is there, you don’t immediately see it and so, you then conclude “it’s not there, it’s not there” while you frantically keep searching.  (You’re laughing right now, right, because you can just picture yourself doing this).  It happens because when you’re looking for something that’s “not there”, it won’t be there.  I know…. “pretty deep stuff, huh”?  The point is, if you’re looking for something that you think is “lost”, it won’t be anywhere to be found because you’re not vibrationally in-sync with its recovery.  You’re more vibrationally in-sync with its disappearance.  And since the Universe responds to your vibration, and your vibration is now more about “it not being there”, well, you’re now looking for something that you thought was there but now isn’t there, so….guess what?!?  It’s…not….there….  But it could still be there, it’s just that you’re not on the same vibrational wavelength of finding it because what you’re saying is either, “it’s lost and I can’t find it”, “it’s not there, it’s not there”, “where could it be”, “where did it disappear to”, “who took it or who moved it”,  “I don’t know where it is if it’s not here”, “I wonder what happened to it”, “how could it have moved itself”, “I knew I was going to lose this thing some day”….. You get the picture?  So in that moment, you’re all about the “missing” item, rather than the presence of it.  You’re more about, “where did it go”, than you are about, “I know it’s here”.  It’s like putting your radio dial on 97.9 while you want to hear what’s being broadcasted on 107.9.  Does that make any sense at all?  No, if you wanted to hear what was being broadcasted on 107.9, you’d tune your frequency to 107.9, right?  You don’t hear what’s being played on 107.9 if you’re tuned to another frequency.  So just like the example above, if you’re looking for something that’s lost or missing, you’re on a different frequency than “I know where it is”.  And haven’t you found that if you just stop looking for the item that was “lost” and you forgot about it or you decided that it would show up somewhere, sometime, then true to that attitude, sometime later, you found it right where you you’d been looking before, or it “showed up” in some place that you “happened” to look?  It was there all along.  Spoooooooky…. ;)  Once again, how could that be?!?  Well, this time, you de-activated the frequency of “it’s not there, it’s lost, I can’t find it, where is it”, and allowed yourself to come into alignment with finding it where you probably last left it because you stopped being so focused on the absence of it.  When you’re focused on the absence of anything, be it an object like a knife in a drawer, money in your bank account, a state of physical condition, a car, a pregnancy, the relationship that you want…if you’re focused on its absence, its presence will continue to elude you indefinitely until you finally tune your dial to the frequency that the presence of it is on.   And just like that thing that I was looking for in my bag was there all along but I just didn’t see it, all of that stuff that you want is there, but if you’re not seeing it or experiencing it, it’s because you have the perspective that “it’s not there” or “something’s missing”.  If you can close that gap between your awareness of it not being there and your feeling that you already have it even if you don’t, in a short amount of time, as long as you’re consistently focused on the feeling of having it, it will come into your experience, and you’ll now be living the reality of it.  Nothing is ever “not there”…your frequency is always determining what your experience is and an “absence” of something only means that you’re tuned to 97.9 when you want to be tuned to 107.9. 

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