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Thursday, November 10, 2011

More Is Yet To Come

When I first started the process of delivering Franki, I sort of just went with it.  As more time passed and nothing seemed to be changing or moving along, I started resisting the physical sensations and what was happening rather than allowing it to be.  I anticipated what was coming and what I wasn’t going to like and holding myself in resistance to it.  The more I resisted, the worse it seemed until finally I made peace with where I was and what was happening and soon after, the process moved along more quickly.  Making peace with where I was didn’t mean accepting the unwanted conditions and using them as a reason for “giving up”.  It meant not to struggle against what was unfolding and just allowing it to be.  I could push against where I was and hate every minute of it, or, I could make peace with it, and stop struggling and writhing.  In the absence of struggle, things are then allowed to fall into place.  In the absence of struggle, you can find things that you didn’t know before that you now know and you can find things to appreciate about your current situation and you can feel things that you’ve been wanting to feel.  Where you are in any moment is a viable and important step along the journey that you’re on and there are things that you’ll discover about yourself and about life that you would never have known so intimately or understood so well if you hadn’t gone through what you did.  Within every situation, there’s something that you’re wanting to know more deeply no matter how it looks and so if you don’t compare where you are and what-is with how it was “supposed” to be or with anything that was, and instead you live in what-is and appreciate it along the way to more that’s unfolding for you, life will be an endless journey of experiences that will please you more and more as you decide that where you are is right where you’re supposed to be and that all is well.  What-is is always a starting point to more of your journey that could continually unfold in satisfying ways.  So when you’re facing what-is, there are always two choices: you can either struggle and push against it, writhing in the pain, or, you can make peace with what-is and see it as a good thing on your way to more good things and even more pleasing life experiences.  It’s all perceptual and the perspective that you choose will determine what more is yet to come.

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