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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Limiting Beliefs?

Whenever you find yourself saying “you know how I am”, “I can’t”, “ I don’t have enough money”, “I don’t have enough time”, “I’ve always been like this”, “I’m just like my mother or my father or my brothers or my relatives”, “I was born into this”, “you know me”, “I’m a Virgo” (or whatever Astrological sign you are), “I’m not good at this”, “I’ve never been good at this”…… stop and take a second to think if you’re limiting yourself.  How does the statement you just made feel to you as you speak it?  Do you believe what you’re saying?  Does it feel good to you to believe that you’re a certain way because of your genes, or because your mother taught you or because it’s your pre-disposition or lineage or heredity, or habit, or because “you’ve always been that way, or your astrological tendencies?  Does it feel good to believe that the way you are was pre-determined by any or all of these reasons?  Or does it feel good to believe that things such as money or time are out of your control and it just is what it is?  When you come to a conclusion, make a statement, or come to a belief about something that is limiting you, you’re going to feel the negative emotion about that.  You’re going to feel “bad” in some way.  You may even feel helpless and you’re basing your belief under the false premise that you don’t create your own reality.  Those beliefs or conclusions that you’ve come to are just thoughts that you keep thinking.  It began as a thought about something, or you just accepted what someone told you, you kept thinking that thought or you kept thinking about that subject in the same way and here you are, with a belief about it.  If that approach, or if those conclusions feel good to you, keep on repeating and regurgitating them and making them part of your story.  But if you can feel any negative emotion around what you’re saying, you can know for sure that you’re making a statement about something that is limiting you because of some false belief that you’ve concluded.  Genes, astrological sign, habit, past experience, history, science, pre-disposition …… none of it has to come into play unless it feels good to you to continue this belief.  You are the creator of your reality and nothing becomes your reality unless you come to expect it or believe it.  If you let the creation of your reality come from how that idea or story feels as you’re telling the story of it or imagining it, then, you get to create a reality full of things that feel good to you and full of things that you’re wanting to experience as opposed to living a reality dictated by any or all of those other things that you’ve come to believe have “asserted” themselves or “influenced” your disposition.  If any or all of these reasons for the way you’ve come to describe and think of yourself feel good, then have it…..keep on telling those stories.  But next time you find yourself making any of those statements like I’ve mentioned above, you might want to stop and feel how that belief or idea feels to you.  And if it feels good to you, change nothing; if it feels fearful, limiting, hopeless, anxious, or bothersome to you, you might want to take some time to see if there’s another better-feeling perspective and belief that you could now consider to create the preferred reality that you want.  You are in control of it all.  All limitations are self-imposed and you can tell by the way they feel.  There is nothing outside of you that controls the outcomes that you live.  Think about that

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