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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

I Believe That Generally Speaking, Parents Have it Backwards

I believe that generally speaking, parents have it backwards. 

I believe that our children don’t belong to us.  We are just a means for their arrival.

I believe that children are here to guide us, and not the other way around.

I believe that we can learn more from our children by observing them than they can from us “teaching” them.

I believe all children are born with their own guidance.

I believe that the less parents interfere with that guidance, the happier the child is.

I believe that most parents interfere and train their children away from their own guidance.

I believe that children know they’re born free and when they feel not-free, they will display some type of “bad” behavior as perceived by those around them.

I believe that all behavior that is labeled as “bad” is simply an outburst of feeling disconnected.

I believe that we all have temper tantrums; the only difference being that children haven’t learned to contain them…just yet.

I believe that children know they’re supposed to have what they want.

I believe that children do their best not to believe the bullshit stories based on false premises that most adults around them offer up.

I believe that children know that life is supposed to be good for them.

I believe that children are born feeling worthy and good and appropriate.

I believe that a child’s sense of worthiness is whittled away as those around them tell them they’re inappropriate. 

I believe that it’s the parent’s responsibility to feel better and not the child’s responsibility to modify his behavior so that the parent can feel better. 

I believe that parents try to exercise control over their children rather than manage their own frequency.

I believe that children are naturally joyful, unless what they observe around them trains them away from that.

I believe that children are born knowing who-they-really-are and they’re here to remind us of who we are.

I believe that children mimick the behavior and the vibration of those around them.

I believe that children establish habits of vibration (habits of thought) early-on in life and as adults we keep regurgitating them as truths.

I believe that children pick up the vibrational habits of those around them and take them on as their own.

I believe that children are not meant to be restrained.

I believe that every choice a child makes on his own is empowering to the child.

I believe that children thrive when parents trust them – trust their judgment; trust their knowing.

I believe that anything a parent can do to encourage the child’s knowing is of benefit.

I believe that when a parent doesn’t trust his child, it sets the child up to prove something. 

I believe that parents are lazy with their focus and expect their children to change their behavior so that they can keep being lazy with their focus.

I believe that if a parent is affected by their child’s behavior, it’s an opportunity to do some self-reflection and not discipline or control the child more. 

I believe that children are repelled by the vibration of worry.

I believe that children will create the contrast they require for their own expansion.

I believe that children know what’s best for them and parents would do well to just mind their our own business.

I believe that children modify their behavior to please their parents.

I believe that children are born knowing all of this, and choose to come forth anyway.

I believe that children know parents have it backwards.


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