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Friday, June 27, 2014

When Peeing on the Pavement Is Not in the Plan....

Yesterday, on our way to get ice cream, Franki and I found ourselves slam-dunk in the middle of a very long traffic jam.  There was little or no movement and no way of knowing how long we’d be there. 

I hadn’t planned on idling for two hours on the freeway, en-route to ice-creamy deliciousness that was a short distance away.  Neither did I plan on Franki having to pee during this extended halt in the car.  What to do?  No toilet in sight.  No movement forward.  No way to pull off the side of the road.
This little event was not planned…..

I didn’t plan on my mother leaving when I was a young child.

I didn’t plan on divorcing my husband of 15 years, leaving the country and ending up in PA.

I didn’t plan on getting pregnant, having a child, or having a girl.  I always thought if I did have a child, it would be a boy. 

I didn’t plan on being a life coach.

I didn’t plan on having the lady in front of me at the grocery store inviting me to cut-in ahead of her.

I didn’t plan on going to the store and having one of the best conversations ever with a lady I’d only met briefly once before.

I didn’t plan on having a cardinal fly in front of me at just the perfect time, inches away from my car.

You didn’t plan on getting cancer.

You didn’t plan on going bankrupt…financially or emotionally.

You didn’t plan on having the best time ever on that weekend getaway that you didn’t really want to go to.

You didn’t plan on selling the business that you thought you loved to do something completely different.

You didn’t plan on travelling the world to end up building a house in Bali.

You didn’t plan on having the most delicious lunch you’ve ever had.

You didn’t plan on becoming a professional volleyball player 20 years after you left college.

You didn’t plan on having three kids or living in Missouri.

You didn't plan on cancelling your wedding ceremony due to wildfires.

You didn’t plan on having a lover ten years into your committed relationship.

You didn’t plan on being the CEO of the company.

You didn’t plan on living in Seattle all of this time…or ever.

You didn’t plan on being the owner of 14 companies.

You didn’t plan on having only green lights on your way to work.

You didn’t plan on getting flowers from your husband when he came home.

You didn’t plan on leaving your wife to pursue what you needed.

Some things you plan and other things you don’t. 
Some things you see coming and other things you don’t.   
Some things you can explain and others you can’t. 

Planned or not, sometimes you still have to pee smack-dab in the epicenter of a traffic jam.

I made a suggestion to Franki.  I suggested I could come around to her side, open the door and she could pee on the pavement...just like she does at home in the grass.  Who knew that skill would ever come in handy?  Initially she declined my innovative idea.  Then, she said, “I like your plan.  Let’s do it”. 

And so, Franki went with the unplanned-plan of peeing on the pavement.  She hiked up her dress, pulled off her undies and hovered over the pavement, splattering my toes as I giggled at the sight.  Memorable….

The story of your life is written as you live it; no matter what.

Don’t hold yourself frozen to a place, a name, a face or a way that it has to be or a way it needs to be.

Don’t let the things you didn’t plan on, break you.

Let the things you didn’t plan, unleash you.
Leave your heart open, untamed, and not in a cage.

Loosen your grip on life, not needing it to be a particular way.  Embrace the moment; embrace whatever it is and make the best of it. 

…even if it means peeing on the pavement in the middle of a traffic jam.

This is my 8th blog as part of the the #braveblogging project initiated by Illana Burk of makenessmedia.com

No gimmicks.  No bullshit.  No upsells.  Just brave blogging.

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