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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I realized the other day that I've associated commitment with interfering with my independence.  What I mean by commitment is some sort of weekly get-together, or an ongoing "promise to show up or do something at a specified time over a specified period of time".  I came to this realization when a friend of mine asked me why I didn't join mom groups or social groups of any kind, and what came out of my mouth actually surprised me, because I didn't know I thought or believed this... I said, "because it feels like it interferes with my independence".  Well, whaddayaknow?  Where in the world did I come up with that one?!?  And just now, as I'm thinking about a few things that have gone on lately, I'm realizing that I've had a belief that asking for help also interferes with my independence.  It means someone else gets involved in some way and I've associated that with less freedom; less freedom of choice, less freedom to move about, less freedom to do as I please.  Interesting how that's just come into my awareness the past few weeks.  I think this awareness opens up a whole new dimension for me. 

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