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Monday, March 4, 2013

Why I Write This Blog

I’ve been floundering about with the writing of this blog.  A while back, one of my clients said that my blog didn’t express anywhere near the content and knowledge that he’s experienced within the context of our coaching relationship. I allowed that to knock me out of the water a little bit and I lost sight of why I was writing.  I found myself trying to fit my writing and creative expression into what I thought might be useful to others rather than writing it for myself and that wasn’t at all aligned with why I began writing in the first place.  If it’s coaching you’re looking for, there’s a website on its way and a different blog for that.  If you want to read about me, my family, my musings…here’s where you’ll find it. 

My primary intention for writing this blog is to express myself, somewhat a public diary, as I sift through life and interpret things through my eyes and my life experience.  It’s not meant to be a place for the reader to get coaching, although there will undoubtedly be some of that because I can’t help but coach myself through some things.  I like exploring my thoughts and interpretations about being a parent and how to approach different scenarios.  It’s not written to capture readers, while I’m more than happy if you enjoy reading it.  It may not even be grammatically correct or properly laid out or even well-thought-out; it’s simply an expression and extension of my thoughts. 

While it feels good to write something and have others resonate with it, or to find value in what I’ve shared, my writing is a totally selfish thing.  If you don’t resonate with it, that pleases me as well.

And so you’ll find much about my role as a mother here, navigating my way through life as we all do, and sharing my fascination with our daughter…and about that, I’m always happy to express.    

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