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Sunday, July 3, 2011


So, since I'm on this cloud thing....I don't know about you, but I've gone to California and stayed there months at a time, and to tell you the truth, I kind of got tired of just having blue skies...every single day, it was sunny and hot in the area I was exploring.  Although sunny and hot is a fabulous thing, sunny and hot got kind of boring.  I like variety.  I like the rain, I like the clouds, I like the contrast of seasons and I enjoy something about all of it...but I don't want it to be the same thing endlessly every day.  I like it when it's sunny, I like it when it rains, I like it when it's sunny and partly cloudy, I like it when it snows, I like it when it's warm, I like it when it's cooler, I like the fall smells and colors...I could go on about the things I like, and certainly, I have preferences such as, I prefer fresh, crisp air as opposed to humid and sticky....But!..... having some of what I don't want (or prefer less) makes me appreciate even more what I do like or want.  There's nothing like having the sun come out after a few days of rain.  Or there's nothing like breathing the fresh, crisp air after having a few days of humidity.  And, even when it's raining, or even when it's humid, there are plenty of things within that, that I appreciate.... like, I'm happy I can be inside, I'm happy there's air conditioning, I love the sound of the rain, I love my fan above my bed that keeps the air flowing....whatever the "condition" is, I can always find something within it to appreciate and even though, like I said, I have preferences, I really wouldn't want it to be what I prefer all of the time.  So my point is....In life, there are what you might consider more sunny situations, and more cloudy situations and more stormy situations and more "heavy/humid" situations...all kinds of situations, but don't you like the variety of it all?  Don't you like that you have opportunities every day to decide what you prefer and yet appreciate that the situation you're currently looking at, or the situation that you're currently "in" made you decide that you would prefer something else?  Would it be really all that much fun if there were only sunny days?  Or rainy days?  Or snowy days?  Or foggy days?  Whatever your preference is...you may think that you'd like it to just be sunny all of the time, but I wonder if you'd get bored and want a change...even for just a day.  Would you find yourself saying, "I'd like some rain", or even, "I think I'm going to stay inside today" even if its a sunny day.  I think that you might find that you really do want variety.  You really do want some of this and some of that...maybe a little more of this than of that, but even when you're experiencing that, you could just appreciate it because it makes you appreciate this even more.


Ayden's Dad said...

I have conditioned myself to wake up every morning and before i even look out the window, or think about the daily tasks, I say to myself: Everything is JUST the way it is meant to be and TODAY is going to be a GREAT day...

I no longer notice humidity, hot, cold, rain, snow, clouds, sunshine, or any combination there of because, after all, it's all as it should be...

The forecast is for rain today, but there's a 22 month old standing in front of me saying "go tside daddy" and guess what... I'm going "tside"... :-)

Christine Meyer said...

I love it! What a great dad you are and what a wonderful perspective you have!

Ayden's Dad said...

I'm quoting PS Hoffman in Charlie Wilson's war: "...and the old Zen Master said: ...we'll see."