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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Blue Sky, or Clouds?

As I was driving the other day, I looked up and saw a beautiful, clear blue sky.  The beauty of the color and the clearness of the sky struck me.  Then, I turned a corner and looked up to see clouds in the sky; big, fluffy white ones that look like cotton balls.  There were all sorts of them, all different shapes and sizes and I'm sure if I hadn't been driving, I would've looked to see what sorts of animal shapes I could find within them.  I was surprised to see the clouds because as I'd been driving in the other direction the sky was so clear, but I wasn't annoyed or afraid or disappointed that the clouds were there when I saw them...I was more interested in the clouds.  Which then brought me to the thought about perspective.  One direction in which I was driving, I perceived the sky as being very clear and very blue.  As I turned and faced another direction, the sky was blue and cluttered with clouds.  It was all the same sky, but the direction in which I was facing gave me a different perspective. I'd just had a discussion with a client about a problem she was perceiving and that's why this clear blue sky/cloud thing stood out for me.  I thought if we all could just see what we perceive as "problems" or "issues" in our lives as those big, fluffy white clouds in the sky, maybe we wouldn't take them so seriously.  There's always a way to see things from a different perspective and the "clouds" are always going to be passing through, and depending on which way you're facing, you're either going to see more, or less of them.  But what if, when you do see them, you look at them with interest or fascination and wonder of what wonderful shapes they hold rather than wishing they weren't there?  Clouds can hold such beauty within them...have you ever just sat and looked at the clouds?    
Just like you know the clouds will pass through, so do problems, and the more interest you hold with what wonderful things they have in store for you, or the more you perceive the blue skies ahead of you, the more quickly those things you perceive as problems will pass on through.

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