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Monday, February 6, 2012

Wise Beyond Her Years

Franki reminds me every day of where she came from and that she is a non-physical being experiencing life as the personality that we now know as her.  She reminds me in so many ways, and contrary to the idea that she is only 2 ½, what could she know more than I know, I know that she knows, and she knows that she knows.  I follow her lead.  She reminds me to trust like she trusts, and to believe like she believes and to know like she knows.  She reminds me that well-being is the only Source that flows and the only reason I may not be experiencing well-being in the moment is because, and only because, I’m currently not allowing it because of whatever I’m focused on.  She reminds me that there’s nothing to “overcome” and nothing to be “guarded” against and nothing to fear.  That fear is just an illusion based in false premises.  She reminds me to expect good things and to expect things to always be working out in my favor and to my benefit.  She reminds me that there’s no planning or scheming required to live a life filled with joyous and meaningful moments.  She reminds me that fun is spontaneous and that we are all born knowing that it’s for the fun and the discovery that we came.  She reminds me that she is wise beyond her years and has knowledge that is sourced from within.  She reminds me that she knows her power and clarity and that she can be one who forever knows it without forgetting it as I did.  She reminds me that contrast is not there to defeat me, or to teach me a lesson, or to wear me down, or to punish me, or to challenge me, or even to make me stronger and virtuous; but rather, contrast is there to revel in the ability to choose what I want and to line up with how I want to feel and to allow anything and everything I could ever imagine I want to experience, into my experience.  And it is within the ability to choose and the ensuing consequence(s) of those choices that clarity comes and knowledge comes and the re-defining of my own personal experience that I want to have, comes.  And so, I shall continue to follow her lead, and to allow her to make even the most simplest of choices, like what to wear, and I will back her up whether I agree with her choice, or whether I disagree with her choice, because she was born to be free and she was born to create her reality and she’s doing a pretty darn good job at it.  Why would I ever stand in the way of her own creation and fulfillment?

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