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Thursday, May 3, 2012


Perspective is an interesting thing.  Perspective is what determines how you feel; perspective is what determines how you view something or someone; perspective sets your mood and attitude.  Perspective is the difference between feeling good or feeling bad.  It’s not really the condition, or what you’re observing that makes you feel a certain way, it’s your perspective about it.  For instance, with Schatzchen having made his transition, the condition is what it is…he croaked.  So when I become aware of, or perceive that condition, what’s going to make the difference on how I feel is my perspective about it.  The perspective I choose will affect how I feel about the condition; it’s not really the condition that’s making me feel a certain way.  I may be perceiving that I must feel a certain way "because"……and I may be making up stories about the condition that make me feel a certain way, but it’s all my doing, with my choice of perspective about the condition.  If Schatzchen were still alive, but rather than be in my vicinity where I could observe him as being here, instead, he was gone somewhere with Jack.  I would feel fine or good knowing he was with Jack, but he wouldn’t be here…I couldn’t see him.  How is that different from him being dead and not being able to see him?  Either way, he’s not here.  One way, I know he’s not here, but I expect him to come home; I perceive his absence as temporary.  The other way, I know he’s not here and I don’t expect him to come back; I perceive his absence as permanent.  But in both examples, he’s not here.  What changes how I feel is my perception or my interpretation of the condition or situation.  Perspective is the difference between things getting better or things getting worse; things improving or not.  Perspective is the difference between having a good experience or a bad experience.  Perspective is the difference between a body that recovers and a body that doesn’t.  Perspective is the difference between your enjoyment of something or your dissatisfaction.  Perspective is the difference between something being for your benefit or your detriment.  Perspective is the difference between feeling your heart soar or feeling heartache.  Perspective is the difference between feeling free or feeling bound.  Perspective is the difference between living a good-feeling life or a not-so-good-feeling life.   A good-feeling perspective is not always immediately available to you, but you can find your way to it gradually if you want to.  You can look for ways to interpret something in a way that feels better.  You can look for things to appreciate rather than criticize.  You can look for the good in what-is rather than the bad.  You can love rather than hate, you can praise rather than condemn, you can uplift rather than slam, you can feel safe rather than fearful, you can feel stable rather than wavering, you can feel the perfection rather than the imperfection or the wrongness.  Perspective is something that you get to choose regardless of the conditions and you have the freedom to choose which perspective you’re going to take…. Perspective.  

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