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Monday, September 3, 2012

A Blue bird, White Bowl and a Yellow Butterfly

The other day, just for fun and silliness and to distract Franki from something she was unhappily focused on, I said, “hey Franki…guess what?!?  Today we’re going to see a blue bird, a white bowl and a yellow butterfly”.  I said the first things that popped into my thoughts.  Did it matter if we saw them?  No.  Did I try to manipulate anything so that we could see them?  No.  I already know that I’m the creator of my reality.  I already know that anything I want is mine to have and to experience to the extent that I allow it and I don’t need to “test” Law of Attraction to see if it works.  So the point here is that I didn’t have a preconceived notion of how or where I would see these things and it really didn’t matter if I saw them at all, it really was just a way for me to bring Franki’s awareness to something else.   A little later that day, as we strolled happily along the streets of a nearby town, I was inspired to look down at the sidewalk and noticed a single wing of a butterfly…in blue.  I chuckled to myself as I made the association to what I’d said earlier and found humor in the idea that it was the combination of two things…the blue bird and a butterfly.  We were about to sit at a particular place for lunch that seemed like a great place, the food looked yummy and the place was full…all indications that this would be a good place to eat, but I just wasn’t “feeling it” and just as I was considering whether to sit down or not, someone took the last outdoor table that was available.   Instead, we went to the place that I’d felt drawn to go to that was just down the street.  Jack and I both ordered from the menu and I ordered a lunch made up of a combination of things for Franki.  Our meals came served on white plates, while Franki’s watermelon, sliced manchengo cheese and bread came in a white bowl.  That evening, just prior to putting Franki to bed, my attention rested on her t-shirt of choice, sprinkled with blue and pink butterflies, and among them, yellow butterflies and moments later as we were about to turn the television off, two blue birds came fluttering across the screen.  There are so many simple ways to be delighted in a day and there are so many ways to focus your attention on what feels good in your experience.  I believe I’m always being given impulses to think and impulses to go places and impulses to do things and I believe that it wasn’t by “chance” that we came to eat at the very place we ate at, and it wasn’t “coincidence” that I ordered something for Franki that came delivered in a white bowl and I believe that the Universe is always playing with me and eager to please me in ways that will continually reflect that I’m the creator of my reality.  Everything can be this easy, the only difference is “what am I putting in the way” of what’s so ready to be delivered to me?   In this case, it was all in fun; I wasn’t attached to an outcome; I didn’t need anything to manifest to test how good I am at manifesting; I didn’t need validation in any way, and I wasn’t “holding out” on having a really fun day until I got to see all of those things.   You get to have whatever you want, and the Universe has it all lined up for you, and there are multiple ways and multiple combinations for you to experience it all…the question is, how much crap are you putting in the way of it?  

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