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Saturday, May 5, 2012

Euwwwwww....your aura's brown....!!!!!

We’re all bodies of energy and yes, we all emit that energy out and Law of Attraction matches us up with those who are matching our frequency.  But the idea isn’t to try to avoid those people who you don’t like their energy, and the idea isn’t to try to control what someone else is “putting out” so that you can feel “safe” or “protected”.  You don’t even have to “protect” yourself from them.  The idea is that you decide what you’re going to focus on and let Law of Attraction do the sorting out.  If you’re not a match to that guy with the brown aura, or if you’re not looking for it or pushing against it, then you won’t run into him.  You could be standing right next to him and you wouldn’t even notice him if you were clear about what types of rendez-vous you want to have and what you regularly focus on and feel. 

You don’t have to “take in” the energy that someone else is “putting out”.  That’s based on the false premise that others can assert their brown aura onto you.  Everything that you “take in” is based on where you’re focused, how you feel and what your point of attraction is.  If you notice something about somebody’s energy, that’s all about you and what you’re focused on and if you feel like you’re being affected it’s because you’re focused on it; and not because they are emitting the energy.  Do you get it?  It’s always about you.  Yes, others are going to have brown auras and you may or may not notice it, but it’s not out of your hands whether or not you “take it in”…it’s totally and completely and only within your own control and nothing and no one can slime you with their aura….no matter how brown it is.

The only way that someone’s “negative energy” can or will affect you is because you noticed it and you allowed it to affect you.  If anything else were true, that would mean that you don’t really create your own reality.  If it was possible for someone to put out energy and you take it in… without choice, then that same person would be able to change your nose just by thinking about it.  There is no assertion in this Law of Attraction based Universe.  Your point of power and your reality begins with your focus and what you’re focused upon, brown aura or not, is what you’ll “take in” but you’ll be the one doing it through your focus and it’s not because that person is putting it out there. 

It seems like they can gunk you…you felt fine before they came along and polluted the air and now you feel all icky, so they must be the one who needs to “clean up their act”.  But it’s not them who need to or must do anything, or be, other than they’re being.  They are being as they are, brown aura and all, because of their focus and that’s their business.  We tend to let other people affect our mood and believe that they were the rascals who made us “take their energy in”, when in fact, they’re just there as a seeable/touchable/tangible representation of how we already feel, or what our beliefs are, or what our expectations are.  If you believe that someone else’s energy affects your energy, it will.  If you’re bugged about a certain kind of person…guess what, they’re going to keep showing up in your life.  But it’s not because they’re doing it to you, it’s because you’re choosing to allow whatever they’ve got going on to get into the mix of what you’ve got going on through your focus on them; it’s all your point of attraction. 

Believing that other people can ick you with their energy makes you feel powerless and that’s where the idea of needing to protect or guard yourself against “those people” has come along.  When you come to understand that it’s your focus and your point of attraction, you then also understand that you are in control of what comes to you and what kind of people you converge with…brown aura or not.  


Unknown said...

i feel like you wrote this just for me ...

Christine Meyer said...

Great! Maybe I did. :)

Christine Meyer said...

Great! Maybe I did. :)