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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Do you like what's unfolding?

Is there anything in your life you want to change?  Anything that you'd like to improve?  Anything that appears to just stay the same that you'd like have a better experience of?  What sort of dialogue do you have about it?  What's the story you're weaving about it?  Do you keep regurgitating what you would prefer and how you would like it to unfold or improve, or, do you continually tell the story about the way it is, and how you don't like it and what you don't like about it?  Is there any part of the story that you're telling that you'd like to continue to experience?  Any part at all....????  Then why are you telling it?  Whether you know it or not, you're always creating with the words you speak and the emotions you feel and if you want what you’re telling to be your reality, then go ahead, keep on telling that story.  I've noticed myself telling someone, or going over something in my own mind, about something that I really would not prefer to experience, but I'm telling the story of the way it is, rather than the way I'd like it to be.  It's always to my benefit to pay attention to the stories I'm telling because just as I would write a script for a movie and then see it come to life on the big screen, my life becomes the big screen and the story I was telling comes to life.  Soooooo…. What are you going to choose?  If you like the story you’re telling, if it feels good to you….go ahead, keep on telling the stories about this, that and the other thing, but if the stories you’re telling contain any particle of that which you would not/prefer not, to experience, whether it be for the first time, or again, then don’t tell that part of the story and add a part in that you do like.  You’re writing the script to all of it.  You have total creative control and if you want some drama in your movie, then tell those parts that you don’t like and keep talking about them, and it will create some emotional “drama” (contrast) in your movie and it may make it more interesting for onlookers or for those listening to the story and it may seem to make your journey worthwhile to experience some things you really don’t want, and it may even be a really good point of conversation, and it may even be true because you’ve seen others experience it, or you’ve experienced it yourself, but that is never a good enough reason to continue to tell the story of what you don’t want to create (or re-create).  You’re always creating your future in your present moment through your focus.  If you want to create more of that, then, have at it, keep talking about it.  If you want to experience something a little more to your liking and you have different preferences about it, then now is the time to begin weaving another version of the story.   Again, you’re always telling a story; no matter what it is that you’re talking about, or thinking about, or giving your attention to, you are telling a story, and you are in essence, telling your life’s story that’s going to unfold for you right in front of your very eyes.

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