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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Why wait?

Why wait until some time later when I can be happy?  Why wait until I get the new car, or the new dress, or that contract, or until anything or anyone changes, before being happy?  I've heard myself say, "I'll be happy when....".  Knowing what I know now, it's just something I used to say, and I say it less and less, for I know that I can be happy now, and I don't have to wait.  It's not the condition(s) that need to change before I choose to  be happy anyway, it's my perspective that allows me to enjoy my current place.  I can find benefit and I can find positive aspects about anything if I look for it, and if I wait to be happy until this, that, or the other thing change to be more to my liking in some way, I could be waiting forever, because there's always something that I'm "molding" into place.  It's a never-ending thing.  So by choosing to be happy now, no matter what, truly is enjoying the journey.  And I'm happy to enjoy the journey on my way to more.....

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