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Friday, March 11, 2011


Why would I ever focus on things that don’t feel good to me?  As I create my own reality and how I think and feel is what manifests, as I ponder things that don’t feel good to me, so am I creating more of that.  The answer lies in the Law of Attraction’s power to bring more of what I’m thinking to me.  I (and many others) have been “trained” to believe that I must focus on a perceived “problem” to solve it.  And I use the term “perceive” loosely because that’s all it is…it is my perception that is labeling whatever I’m giving my attention to as a “problem”.  I could just as easily label it as an opportunity for change, or improvement, or answers.   If I smelled something foul in a room, would I continually return to the room to make sure it smells foul?  No, not likely.  I’d walk out of the room.  So, as I decide that feeling good is important to me, I begin to change my focus from “problem” perception to opportunity within this situation.  And as I do that, I am more allowing of solutions to “uncover” themselves.

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