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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Making Plans?

Whenever you find yourself complaining, or worrying, or fretting, or dreading, did you know that doing that is like planning a future experience of more to complain or worry or fret or dread about?  Your thoughts create and your emotions indicate which direction you’re creating in.  If you feel negative emotion, you know you’re in the process of creating more of the same, and if you feel positive emotion, you know you’re in the process of creating more of the same.  So when you appreciate, or when you love, or when you feel playful, that’s also like planning a future experience.  If you’re anxious, you’re planning.  If you’re angry you’re planning.  If you’re worried, you’re planning.  Although you may be experiencing something that you think you need to worry about, the more you worry, the more you hold that experience and more like it, to you.  So what to do when you’ve got some bills to pay and not enough money to pay them?  Or when someone you care about is sick and you worry about their wellness?  Or you’re dreading some event that’s coming up or you’re anxious about meeting new friends….whatever the subject is, and however you feel about it, just know that there’s always a different way to approach the subject that can bring about a different and better feeling perspective.  And when you find a way to approach the subject that feels better, and remain consistent and stable, then you know you’re on track to experiencing more of what you want and more of what is pleasing to you.   There are all kinds of “tricks” I offer through coaching, but just having an awareness that you’re always pre-paving future experiences with how you’re directing your thoughts, therefore feeling emotions, is a great place to start.  

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