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Monday, January 30, 2012

Try it, you might like it

The Universe will back you up in anything that you want.  When you have a desire for anything, it could be what you would consider something small or easy to attain, or it could be something that you would consider more difficult to attain, no matter what it is, the Universe backs you up.  Everything necessary for every desire you have to come to fruition and be a reality in your experience is available to you and Law of Attraction is your very personal and very efficient manager in all of that.  What makes it seem like the Universe isn’t always backing you up is what you’re doing with your focus.  Do you believe or doubt the attainability of this thing you want?  When you think about or talk about it, do you wonder why it’s taking so long to appear in your experience or are you in a place of anticipating its realization?  Do you feel good when you think about it, or do you feel discouraged or jealous of others who have what you want?  Do you feel like it’s already in your possession and experience even without having it yet, or do you feel the lack of it?  Are you anxious about its arrival or do you know it’s coming in good and perfect time?  Depending on which way you’re focusing and therefore feeling, you’re either providing fertilizer for your desire to sprout, or, you’re providing it ground where the seed will remain dormant.  When you plant a seed in fertile ground, you expect the seed to sprout and grow and eventually find daylight.  You don’t keep checking it every few minutes or days or hours.  You don’t wonder why it’s taking so long.  You don’t talk about why it’s not sprouting yet.  You know its coming.  When a woman is pregnant, you know that it takes nine months or thereabouts for the “seed to sprout” and you don’t wonder why the baby hasn’t been born yet at 1 or 3 or even 7 months.  You know there’s a gestation period, and even though you’re without baby or without plant that you can actually see with your eyes, you can still be excited in anticipation of its arrival.  Your desires are the same way.  If you could just get in the mode of anticipating its arrival, and expecting it to come in perfect time, that’s like you’re giving the seed fertile ground to grow in, or the baby the gestation period that it needs.  No angst required, no wondering why it hasn’t come yet, no questioning whether or not you’re capable or worthy; just expectation that the Universe always has your back and is “on it” the second you decide you want something in your experience.  Just delegate it to your Universal manager, sit back and relax and expect the arrival of your desire in ways that you never even imagined…arriving in perfect time, in the most perfect way.  Try it, and see what happens. 

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