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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Totally Lovable Squeezable Me...

A few weeks ago, I was totally absorbed in squeezing Franki’s legs and adoring every single inch of them.  They’re just so squeezable and everything about them, in my opinion, is absolutely perfect.  I only had love, I only had appreciation, I only saw and felt perfection.  When I look at her, in part or in whole, I only see perfection as she is.  She’s got the cutest little dimples in her bum and a perfectly round belly and a beautiful curve in her back and hair that’s all over the place, no makeup, no primping, no inhibitions about how she looks.  Not only do I feel and see her perfection just as she is, but so does she.  I realized what a contrast that was to how I see myself.  For the next few days, I found myself wondering what it would be like to see myself as I see her; to adore every inch of me as much and as completely as I do Franki.  What would it be like to put lotion on my legs and just want to squeeze them and kiss them because I appreciate them so much?  What would it be like to look at my reflection in the mirror and completely adore what I see?....and I don’t mean just be ok with it, but really, really, really adore the reflection looking back at me.  What would it be like to revel in every part of my body’s perfection, just as it is, with only love and appreciation for it?  Then I realized that rather than wonder what it would be like, why not begin, right now, reaching for more appreciation, more reveling, more adoration.   I know what it feels like to love and appreciate my daughter just as she is, so I have a reference point of how that feels.  As I move through my days, I want to feel that more and more for myself, viscerally, completely, totally, unconditionally….

1 comment:

Doug White said...

Good idea!!!! Something we should ALL be practicing!!!