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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Who's in Charge?

Are you the feeler of your emotions or is someone else doing that for you?  Yes or no.  Are you the creator of your mood or is someone else choosing your mood for you?  Yes or no.  Are you the thinker and director of your thoughts, or is someone outside of you directing your thoughts?  Yes or no.  If you said yes to all of these questions, then you know that you’re the creator of your reality.  You’re either the creator of your reality and everything that’s associated with being the creator of your reality, or you’re not.   Believing otherwise is like saying to someone else, “here, you be in charge of how I feel and think my thoughts for me today, will you?  I’m done with this”.  The thing is, every time I get annoyed at Jack for leaving something laying around where I think it doesn’t belong, I am creating my reality.  I’m responding to a condition that looks like the rascal by the name of Jack did it, but he didn’t…I did and I keep doing it every time I respond the way I always do.  Why?  How?  Because when I react with my habitual thoughts, I set up a vibration that the Universe responds to, and whatever vibration I’ve got active, the people and situations in my life must respond in like-kind.  So, even though Jack really wants to please me and even though Jack loves me and would never do anything intentionally to piss me off, he just can’t help himself because he’s a player in my play, and since my vibration says, “annoyed at that thing he does” he’s going to play right into my vibration and do that thing that annoys me.  And it’s not to his blame, it’s to my credit.  Once again, I’m either the creator of my reality, or I’m not.  I’m either the feeler of my emotions or I’m not.  I’m either the thinker of my thoughts or I’m not.  Therefore, I’m either the creator of my reality……or I’m not.  

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